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General terms of use

The present document defines the methods and the conditions of use of the " Vija Aircraft Engines ® " website, below mentioned the PUBLISHER.

Any connection to the website is subordinated to the respect for the present conditions.
For the user, access to the website of the PUBLISHER at the address involves the acceptance of all the conditions described below.



Intellectual property

The general structure of the " Vija Aircraft Engines ® " website, as well as texts, graphs, images, sounds and videos composing it, are the property of the publisher or his partners. Any representation, reproduction, partial or total use of the contents and services proposed by the " Vija Aircraft Engines ® " website, without the prior written authorization of " Vija Aircraft Engines ® " is strictly forbidden and would may constitute a forgery, according to articles L 335-2 and following ones of the French Code of the intellectual property.

" Vija Aircraft Engines ® " brand and “Vija” logo  are registered trademarks of " Vija Aircraft Engines ® ".

Any representation, reproduction, partial or total use of these brands, without the prior written authorization of " Vija Aircraft Engines ® ", is totally forbidden.



Hypertext links

" Vija Aircraft Engines ® " website can contain hypertext links to other sites on the Internet. Links to these  resources make you leave the " Vija Aircraft Engines ® " website.



Responsibility of the publisher.

The information and documents published on this website or accessible by this website are considered as being reliable.

However, this information and documents may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors.
THE PUBLISHER can correct them, as soon as he is informed of their existence .

It is strongly recommended to verify the accuracy and the relevance of the information and documents given on this website.

The information and documents available on this website may be modified or updated  at any time, without prior notice.

The use of the information and documents available on this website is made under the whole and only responsibility of the user.

THE PUBLISHER cannot  be held for responsible for any damage of any nature resulting from the interpretation or from the use of the information and documents available on this site.



Access to the site

The publisher tries to allow the access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in case of maintenance, absolute necessity, or of an event outside the control of the PUBLISHER.

The responsibility of the publisher cannot be committed in case of impossibility of access to this site or use of the services.


Modification of conditions of use

THE PUBLISHER keeps the possibility of modifying the present conditions of use to adapt them to the evolutions of the website or its operation at any time and without prior notice.



Usage of Internet

The user declares to accept the characteristics and the limits of Internet, in particular recognizes that:
THE PUBLISHER assumes no responsibility on the services accessible by Internet. 

The user recognizes that the data circulating on the Internet are not protected, in particular against the possible misappropriations. The presence of the logo " Vija Aircraft Engines ® " establish a simple assumption of validity. The communication of any information judged by the user of sensitive or confidential nature is made at his/her own risk.

The user recognizes that the data circulating on the Internet can be regulated in terms of use or be protected by a right of property.

The user is solely responsible for the use of the data which he consults, questions and transfers on the Internet.
The user recognizes that the PUBLISHER has no means of control on the contents of the accessible services on the Internet.



Applicable Right

Both the present site and the modalities and the conditions of its use are governed by the French law, whatever is the place of use. In case of possible contesting, and after the failure of any attempt of search for an amicable solution, the French courts will be only competent to know of this dispute.
For any question relative to the present conditions of use of the site, you can write us at the following address:

 « Vija Aircraft Engines® »

96 avenue de la Colonne
31500 Toulouse



© 2008-2014

96 avenue de la Colonne

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